Fighting The Battle

Fighting The Battle

Monday, February 22, 2010

In The Swing Of Things. . .

Joey is doing great and loves being home. Joey goes into the hospital to have the black spongy material changed in his amputation twice a week. Joey receives extra womb vac equipment delivered right to his door courtesy of UPS. The womb vac is replaced every few days when it gets full. It is replaced with a new one. The womb vac is small and goes into a small black pouch, so Joey can carry it around with him everywhere he goes. No, it isn't a man purse--it is a murse :)

He was able to go to Outback last night with his dad Roger and his Aunt Crissi and Uncle Nate. Joey enjoyed ribs, and even got winked at on his way out by a cute girl. Whoo Hoo Joey!! I guess you still have it going on!!! :)

Joey is working on getting some of his weight back. He has lost a total of thirty five pounds, thirteen pounds being from the loss of his leg. So Joey has about twenty pounds he needs to gain to get to where he was before.

Joey is still experiencing Phantom Pains, but they come and go sporadically. He is quite a trooper, and fights through them--no matter how long they last.

We love you Joey! Keep up the good work!!

As promised, just a little later than promised, here are some pictures of Joey getting released from the hospital, and being home. . .home sweet home. . .

Post Time 9:10PM

Joey getting the last of his IVs out

Waiting patiently. . .

Roger helping out and making sure everything looks good. . .

Joey's scar healing up nicely. . .

Saying goodbye to his room on the fourth floor. . .

In the elevator. . .first floor please. . .

Out the front door!

Joey in the car with his mom. . .

At Aunt Crissi's house. . .his dad by his side. . .

Out of the car. . .headed to the house. . .Joey glowing :)

Up the front steps. . .

Almost in. . .

Welcome Home Joey!!!

Comparing bald spots. . .Um. . .I think Uncle Nate won that one. . .but just by a little bit :)



  2. I'm so happy for you. That picture of your dad checking out your arm reminds me of my own dad. How lucky we are to have them in the medical field and to be so knowledgeable on medical stuff. I'm sure its comforting to have him and all your family around.

  3. Yeah!!! Joey, you are doing awesome!! You look so good--a little skinny minny, but lookin good :) We love you!!!

  4. I am so happy to see that smile on your face! Attitude is everything! Love ya!
